Resources for Distance Education & Satellite Campuses
Mental Health issues do not discriminate based on gender, income, or ethnicity. All of us are subject to the pressures and stress of modern living and sometimes those stressors can lead to depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. If you have issues that you believe would be helped by speaking to a counselor, please do not hesitate to contact one of the resources below.
Student Support App
The TELUS Health Student Support app offers 24/7 access to immediate professional counseling via phone call or chat, in addition to an option to schedule multiple sessions with a consistent counselor for short-term treatment. App users also gain access to free virtual fitness sessions through the LIFT app, in addition to an extensive content library of mental health and wellbeing resources, including articles, videos, podcasts and infographics.
HelpLine at Texas A&M University
HelpLine is the after-hours mental health service for Texas A&M University. It provides telephone, peer support, information, crisis intervention, and referrals to students, as well as those concerned about students. HelpLine is available from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. weekdays and 24 hours a day on weekends when school is in session.
Self-Help for Your Mental Health
Explore some resources to help you cope and care for yourself. In addition to getting professional help when needed, self-help can be a part of the healing process for long-term gains in mental healing.