HelpLine is the after-hours mental health service for Texas A&M University founded in January of 1995 and is supervised by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at Texas A&M University. Available from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. on weekdays and 24 hours a day on weekends when classes are in session, HelpLine provides peer support, information, crisis intervention, and referrals to students, as well as those concerned about students. The HelpLine has extensive information about a wide variety of topics and can provide you with referral information about services and programs at CAPS, other Texas A&M departments, and community agencies.
The HelpLine phone number (979-845-2700) is accessible via voice or Relay Service (V/Relay). Learn more about speech and hearing impaired access at or Telecommunications Relay Service.

The HelpLine is staffed by undergraduate, graduate and former students. Volunteers come from a variety of majors and backgrounds. All HelpLine volunteers complete a 55‑hour interview and training process prior to working “the Line,” and they receive ongoing supervision and continuing education. Although about 80% of all HelpLine volunteers are psychology majors, students from a wide variety of majors have become excellent HelpLiners. Historically, the HelpLine has employed a widely diverse group of volunteers in addition to a half-time graduate assistant and an undergraduate program aide.