We, the staff of Counseling & Psychological Services, are proud of the diverse background of our students and recognize that embracing a diverse worldview provides a great opportunity for all of our students to gain a richer experience. Texas A&M University represents over 100 countries and is a diverse community that includes many groups of people, some of whom have been historically discriminated against on the basis of characteristics such as racial, ethnic, and cultural background, national origin, immigration/ documentation status, gender, gender identity and/ or expression, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental abilities, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status. We believe that prejudice and discrimination are detrimental to human development. We support an environment in which everyone is respected, welcomed, and appreciated. The appreciation and valuing of diversity contribute to the development of community in its most ideal sense.
We also value the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere of openness and trust in which everyone is encouraged to explore and discuss their attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors. The process of learning about and being sensitive to the diverse life experiences of others enhances staff members individually and as a group, which enables the staff to provide the highest quality of service and training.
We will continually assess our progress in fostering an environment where everyone is respected, welcomed, and appreciated. Areas to assess will include such things as the physical environment, interpersonal communication, student feedback, and continuing education. As we proceed on the journey of developing our community, we will value and practice community building behaviors including mutual respect, civility, and responsible forthrightness.
Adopted June 22, 1995
Revised September 2, 2013
Updated September 3, 2019 with new department name