Conference Information

Conference Information
Continuing Education Credits
In order to receive all available continuing education credits for the conference, attendees are required to be fully present for the sessions they choose. We will verify attendance from the Zoom registration process for each session. Attendees will also need to complete an online evaluation at the end of each session. The link to a password protected evaluation will be sent via Zoom chat at the conclusion of the session. We will share the first half of a password towards the beginning of each session and the second half of a password before the session ends via the chat.
Please complete the evaluations during the allotted break times. Evaluations will only be accepted through the end of Friday so CE information can be submitted to the CE Office as soon as possible. CE certificates will be processed and emailed to those that successfully complete these requirements within 6 weeks after the conference.
Note: Any 3-hour session that may be offered will not be granted half credit. Attendees must attend the entirety of a 3-hour session to obtain CE credits for that session.
We are an APA approved sponsor. Please check with your individual licensing board to verify acceptance of CE certificates.
Session Information
Meeting Hosts
- Meeting hosts may take the liberty to manage some of your settings if needed for the experience of the overall meeting. An example might be turning off your microphone if you have unintentionally left it on.
- You also will be able to privately message the host or co-host of the meeting, which may be useful if you have questions or need assistance during the conference. If you look at the participant list, co-hosts are identified next to their names. All presenters will be assigned as co-hosts when the sessions begin.
Zoom Information
For this year's SJCCC, we are using Zoom Meetings. Therefore, here are Zoom functions to be aware of:
- We will ask everyone to have their microphones muted except for when you are actively speaking during a session.
- We encourage attendees to rename themselves with their pronouns for each session.
- You will have the choice to show your video or to turn off your video feed in each session. We encourage attendees to show video in order to increase connection with one another and the presenters, but we understand technology connectivity issues and Zoom fatigue.
- We plan to record most sessions in order to maximize learning since we are holding concurrent sessions. These will be available on a password protected webpage a few weeks after the conference.
- Presenters may be asking for feedback or responses through the chat feature in Zoom.
- During sessions, we may be using breakout rooms, where Zoom automatically assigns participants to a group of a specified size for a certain amount of time. This gives the opportunity for interaction, discussion, etc.
Understanding how to use Zoom Meetings:
Zoom Meetings is a two-way video sharing service. You will see video from the presentation facilitator, and at times also video from the other participants in sessions. You will also have the ability to share your own video, so others can see and hear you.
In order to use the video sharing features, you must have a device with a camera built in. This could be a computer with a webcam, a tablet, or even your phone. Your experience is likely to be best on a computer, especially for a long meeting.
If you are new to Zoom meetings, Zoom provides helpful guides for getting started. If you prefer, you may find video tutorials at this link. We have also included links to topic specific guides below.
Zoom Participant Guides
- Getting started with Zoom
- System Requirements
- Joining a Zoom Meeting
- Joining a Test Meeting (To check that your connection is working before a meeting)
- Participant Controls in a Zoom Meeting (includes screen sharing, chat, & more)
- Joining a meeting via phone
- Participating in Breakout Rooms
- Frequently Asked Questions
Captioning: Captions will be enabled throughout each of the presentations. Participants can disable captions if they wish. If you encounter problems viewing captions, support can be found on the Zoom website. Note that captioning is unavailable in breakout rooms.
Recording: Most sessions will be recorded (status listed on the Conference Schedule when available), and these recordings will be made available after the event. Please allow 6-8 weeks for rendering and posting of videos.
Session Materials: Most of the presentation slides for each session will be available for download during the session from the Zoom meeting, in PowerPoint or PDF format. Summaries of some sessions may be in MS Word format. Some slides may be available after the conference.
Please review additional information about SJCCC's Accessibility Aspirations and Zoom accessibility issues.
***The SJCCC Committee has tried to anticipate accommodations that may be necessary for some participants. However, if the accommodations specified above do not entirely meet your needs or do not make the SJCCC accessible for you, please email so that we can provide additional assistance.